Monday, May 24, 2010

Up To Date

I haven't written in forever. Not because I didn't want to, not because I didn't have anything to say. I feel like I haven't made any progress since my last post. And that upsets me. I have been so stressed out about grad school. I don't know what I am going to do if I don't get in. I know that it won't solve all of my problems, but I feel like it is a step in the right direction for me.

I have gained 13 pounds in the last 3 months. I am not happy about that. I don't know if something is physically wrong with me or if it is all mental. About 5 years ago I had my thyroid checked and they told me I was fine. I think that now I have more of the symptoms that I have read about in my research. But then again, it could just be in my head. Then what do I do? Suck it up and realize that I have been lying to myself over and over again? Set out on yet another course of action that I will most likely give up after a week?

I'm not sure what I need to do, but I know I need a change. My anxiety has gotten really bad lately. I have been having awful dreams and have been avoiding social situations. I almost don't even want to go to the gym when it is crowded because I am so embarrassed by the way I look right now. I was relieved that the weather last weekend was bad because I didn't have to put on a bikini. I am afraid to go to San Diego for Memorial Day because I am ashamed.

I just can't keep doing this to myself anymore. I'm only 24, this is no way to live. I bought Geneen Roth's book about a week ago so I am hoping that will help me a little bit.

I am frustrated too because I haven't been able to run or work out because I have been plauged by injuries. First my back, then my toe. Tired of being hurt. Tired of being tired. Tired of feeling like I am stuck. Tired. I need to make some changes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you are stressing and feeling shitty about yourself! I know where you are coming from!! I feel that way too!! Stress is a killer-it can really impact your body in bizarre ways!!! I usually gain weight when I'm stressed (of course that might be because whn I'm stressed I'm usually working long hours, eating crap and not running as much).

    I do have a thyroid problem! I take pills everyday. And it has made losing weight SO TOUGH!!! I hate it!!! There is no harm in having it checked again-but maybe go to an endocrinologist, because they have tweaked the numbers of "normal" and some doctors are still following the "old guidelines"

    Breathe!!!! breathe!!!! Relax-things will all work out!!!!
